Black Belt Roofing System

Why does it matter that we do all of our roofing work in-house? It gives us the unique opportunity to truly control quality. We have a thorough, streamlined, documented, and carefully tracked training program in place that enables consistent predictable results. We call this our Black Belt complete roofer training system.
The industry status quo is “sell and toss, sell and toss, sell and toss.” It’s much easier for a company to defer nearly all of their responsibilities to sub contracted roofing crews. Sell it. Collect a check. Hand it off. Walk away.
“But my brand new roof is leaking!”
“Here is the phone number to the sub crew that did your job. See if they can do anything for you.”
1 call back, 3 calls backs, 5 calls back, and on and on until you give up and try to find someone else to fix it.
And the worst part is? Your old roof didn’t even leak to begin with! This is what normal is in the roofing industry. Very few companies set their systems in place to even get a reasonable shot at quality control. This is why Endurance Exteriors exists, to fill this industry vacuum by centering everything around a system of quality control that creates consistent predictable results.